We celebrated Taryn's 1st birthday! How in the world did a year pass already since she was born??? It just amazes me how fast time goes sometimes :( She is ALMOST walking, she loves when we all make her laugh, she loves to be held by mom or dad, she loves being outside and in the pool, she is the light of our lives!! All the kids RACE to get her when they hear her wake up in the morning or from her nap! I really love this stage she's at...now if we could just keep her here for a while :)
We celebrated her birthday at Bartlett lake with my sister and her family...
This month we also celebrated Kierstyn's 8th birthday....she had a few friends over for a day of swimming...My beautiful 8 year old! She is so tenderhearted, has a very unique individual style, loves to wear boots with any outfit, has a beautiful smile, is very expressive and i love her face expressions, is very bubbly, and is so loved by us all!
In other news, I have started coupon/ad shopping, and after just 2 weeks into it, I am loving it!! I am excited to go to the store now to see all my savings :) Who would have thought that I could enjoy grocery shopping!? I have found a few online sites that I get coupons from....like: www.coupons.com and www.shortcuts.com and www.cellfire.com to name a few. Are there any other sites that you can share here? And any pros out there, feel free to share your information! I posted this on my facebook a week ago, and got some pretty good tips from lots of ladies, but I welcome any other tips/advice!!
I was pretty excited on my first shopping trip...I spent $72 and had $59 in savings, and my 2nd trip I spent $55 and saved $40! So I'm off to a good start I think :)
And speaking of a good deal....stay tuned tomorrow for a way to purchase some greeting card kits from the ever so talented Kim Kesti
She put together some card Kits to help us raise some funds for our Mothers retreat! Thank you Kim :)
Happy Monday!
Such fun pictures! I LOVE the black and white photo of Taryn, she is such a doll! Sounds like a busy summer. Heidi