Girls are keeping busy with birthday parties, swimming, playing school....Lindsey and Kierstyn even got to go on a bow shoot at Mormon Lake with Dad last Saturday! We gave Kierstyn a bow as an early birthday gift, (her bday is in a month) and so she has been having fun with Target practice in the backyard. Now Lindsey has found that she actually enjoys it Frans has a couple of 'boys' to hunt with this year :) Here is a picture of the three of them at the bowshoot...(thanks for the picture Logan!)
We are getting ready for our big hike on Saturday to this monstrous hill! Getting pretty excited about it too! This is Humphrey's Peak in Flagstaff...I have been hiking Squaw Peak just about every day, but this baby is almost 11,000 feet higher!! I'm actually not nervous about the 'hiking' part of it, just about the breathing part! The air is so much thinner....It is 4.5 miles and is 12,633 feet, and is said to be the "best hike in Arizona". I'll have my hiking shoes on, my camera around my neck, and be ready to go come 10:00 Saturday morning!! Anyone else want to join us? The more the merrier!
And I can't end this post with a picture of the sweetest little baby around! Taryn is wanting so bad to start walking, and she is almost there! If she would just quit giggling and get going! :)
and a few pictures from a hike I went on on Saturday with Trina and Taryn. The girls loved it! It was a paved trail, but it was pretty steep, so coming down was fun!
Summer is just cruising right on by! What are some ways you are spending your summer days?
I have been so bad about the hiking department. :( Wish I was more motivated! Spending my summer playing with vegies and flowers ... kind of willing them to grow. Keep up the hiking ... and we'll keep enjoying our cool weather.